Bible & Mission teaching

On camps we have fantastic meetings, split equally between Bible teaching and Mission sessions. These sessions are aimed at exactly the right level for the young people on camp and don’t simply stop at the end of the meetings. Discussions and exploration of the themes carries on throughout the week and are often picked up in the evening quiet times.


All the Bible teaching follows a set topic or theme for the whole week and is more than just a series of lectures! Most of the sessions are interactive and sometimes involve the young people in the delivery. The meetings normally use a wide range of multimedia and there is plenty of time afterwards to discuss the issues raised and apply them to your own life.   Recordings of Teen Camp sessions can be found here.


A major part of camp is its focus on the work of Christian workers across the world. The sessions are delivered by experienced Christian workers who have recently returned from the mission field. Most sessions give the young people an opportunity to sample the culture, climate, food, politics and work of God in the country in focus. Hear amazing stories about how God is working around the world, and how you can be involved right now!

You can book in to camp here!