The View from Warrior Camp…Week B has begun!

So far, Week B has been fantastic! Everyone has arrived and are now settled in to the experience that is Warrior Camp 2011! We have played wide games, been to the beach and pecorama and have been enjoying some awesome meetings! This week the Swafield’s are leading the mission sessions and Dave Gough is the Bible Teacher.

The View from Warrior Camp…End of Week A

Week A is now all over and week B has begun! The last night of A was our sharing service – the young people and some of the leaders were invited to share their best moments from the week and to give their testimony. So many young people wanted to share what God had been doing that the meeting was extended!

The View from Warrior Camp: Invasion!

Each time the camp comes to the village of Beer, we play a game of invasion. Some of the leaders disguise themselves and hide around the village, and the campers have to find them. This year we saw bikers, zebra, tribes men, santa and lots more! We were also hunting for ducks.

The View from Warrior Camp: Inspection!

Each morning the campers and their villages take part in tent inspection! A dedicated team of inspectors come round and check everything from the cleanliness of campers to little on the field and how well the beds are made. Some of the villages also put a song and dance routine or even a little light drama to try and impress the inspectors!

The View from TRIP DAY!

Yesterday Warrior Camp invaded Crealy Adventure Park, where we found water slides, goats, drop slides, chickens, log flume, roman roller coaster and lots more! We all had a Crealy good time! Many thanks to the staff who where happy to play along with the ‘Trip Day’ noise and who coped with the madness!

Yesterday evening was the Gospel Message Night – a time for the young people to be challenged and explore their own faith further. There was a great response and some excellent conversations followed.

The View from Warrior Camp!

Warrior Camp is great! So far we have had (mainly) good weather, great Bible teaching and super awesome Mission Sessions! Yesterday we took various groups off site; beach combing, sea swimming and a trip to pecorama to name just a few! We are also hunting yellow ducks, both on and off the site and we are continuing to to engage with the locals as we build up for invasion! Today be chocolate cake day and trip day – watch this space for pictures!