Warrior Camp Leaders News Letter: issue one

Warrior Camp Catch Up
Issue 1 Jan 2009

Hello Warrior Camp leaders,

This is the first edition of a new quarterly newsletter, which will be emailed to all Warrior camp leaders to help keep you up-to-date with the latest news from Camp.

For those of you who may not be aware, Warrior Camp has a Leadership Group (DMG) which meets 4 times a year to discuss camp and look at ways of making camp even better than it already is.
After every meeting the DMG always has information that it would like to communicate to leaders and it is hoped that this newsletter will help us to do this more efficiently.

If you feel there are any issues which you would like the DMG to discuss at their next meeting in March, or if you have any brilliant and innovative ideas about how we can improve camp, please let us know and email your suggestions to csale@btinternet.com

Below are the relevant topics discussed at the last DMG

Camp 2009
It was confirmed that this year both Warrior Camp and Teen camp will be taking place in sunny Cromer, Norfolk.  The dates for your diaries are
Prep Week from 23rd July 2009
Week A // 1 Aug – 8 August 2009
Week B // 8 Aug – 15 August 2009
Week C // 15 Aug – 22 August 2009

Cost: £130 for Week A or Week B           Special rate: £85 for Week C
Early bookings : £20 discount, if received before 1 April 2009 (apart from Week C).

Teen Camps – 13 to 17 year olds
Week A // 1 Aug – 8 August 2009
Week B // 8 Aug – 15 August 2009

Cost:  £145 per week
Early bookings : £20 discount, if received before 1 April 2009.


In spite of the credit crunch Warriors and Teen camp are bucking the current trend of raising prices and instead they will both be freezing their prices for 2009.
Prices for campers are from £85

Brochures for camp are due to hit doorsteps in January, so keep you eyes peeled. The Youth Office have asked us to remind you that leaders and campers can still book into camp early by downloading a booking form:


The earlier leader’s book in the easier this is for the office.

On this issue, we would like to know when you feel the best time for leaders and campers to receive brochures is?

If you organise a group of campers we’d like to know if it’s better for you to have the leaflets before Christmas or if you prefer having them after Christmas?

Please email your comments to csale@btinternet.com

Web Site

The web site is currently undergoing a makeover and a newly designed one will be ready early in the New Year, If you want to get information then you can use the current old one. If you want more up to date information about camp then you can find it on the WEC UK website.  www.wec-int.org.uk/cms/youth/camps

Prep week
Each year camp relies on a team of dedicated helpers to assist in setting the camps up. At this years camp we were low on helpers for prep week (so low in fact that Chris had to resort to asking Ray!) consequently Chris and Rachael are looking for additional helpers for Cromer 2009. If you feel that you would like to help out on prep week, or think you know somebody who would enjoy this hard, but rewarding week (which is free), please email Chris.  csale@btinternet.com

Warrior Camp always needs qualified lifeguards to go into the sea with the children.  If you have a lifeguard qualification or would be interested in gaining a lifeguard qualification, (which Warrior Camp will contribute towards the cost) please email us.  csale@btinternet.com

Gift Aid
Warrior Camp is run by WEC International who are a registered charity, consequently WEC are able to claim back tax on all donations.  If you are considering giving a gift or starting up a regular donation to Warrior Camp, please email the Youth Office, who will be happy to send you the details about how to set this up. youth@uk.wec-int.org

Leaders on mission
Many Warrior camp leaders have been called to the mission field and we would like to hear from anyone that is currently out on the mission field or is due to go out.  This will then enable us to let other leaders know how you’re getting on and pass on any prayer requests.

Wet games
If you hadn’t noticed this years camp was very wet! In light of this, do you know any good activities or games which we could play on camp when it is wet? Obviously we won’t need them this year, as we are expecting to be blessed with glorious sunshine, but it always helps to have some more ideas up our sleeves!

If you have any comments or would like to see anything else included in the March Newsletter please email us.
We look forward to seeing you all in the middle of a field in Cromer this year!

From the DMG

New website

As you can tell we have re-launched the camps web site! Please browse around and see what we have to offer. If you have any ideas for extra content or spot any mistakes, please let us know.jrobinson@weccamps.org

Also, if you have any pictures, you will be able to upload them soon!

Gift Aid

Camps are run by WEC International who are a registered charity, consequently WEC are able to claim back tax on all donations (as long as you pay sufficient tax).  If you are considering giving a gift or starting up a regular donation to WEC Camps, please email the Youth Office, who will be happy to send you the details about how to set this up. office@weccamps.org

Life Guards

Warrior Camp always needs qualified lifeguards to go into the sea with the children.  If you have a lifeguard qualification or would be interested in gaining a lifeguard qualification, (for which Warrior Camp will contribute towards the cost) please email us.  csale@weccamps.org

Prep Week

Each year camp relies on a team of dedicated helpers to assist in setting the camps up. At Warrior Camp this year, we were low on helpers for prep week (so low in fact that Chris had to resort to asking Ray!) consequently Chris and Rachel are looking for additional helpers for Cromer 2009. If you feel that you would like to help out on prep week, or think you know somebody who would enjoy this hard, but rewarding week (which is free),

To find out more please email

Chris csale@weccamps.org (Warrior Camp)
Paul  office@weccamps.org (Teen Camp).