Pray for WEC Camp Everywhere 2021!

Join us in praying for WEC Camp 2021 – below are some pointers to help you get started…

The Programme

  • On a Mission – The mission teaching, those sharing their experiences and those hosting
  • Dangerous Prayers – The Bible teaching, the Bible teachers and all those involved
  • Activities – Good fun, clear communication and the live elements go to plan
  • Discussions – Everybody joins in and friendships are made

The Leaders & Team

  • Pray for all those involved with Camp 2021, those busy preparing things, those speaking, and for everyone involved
  • Let’s make this the best camp ever!

The Campers

  • Pray for friendships and mutual respect
  • Pray for good discussions, positive contributions, and supportive sharing

The Technology

  • Please pray that all the tech comes together and works as planned throughout
  • Pray that everyone will be able to connect and issues are quickly resolved

Camp 2022

  • Join us in praying for camp next year, we are all hoping to be back in a field if COVID allows

It’s Nearly Time For Camp 2021!

WEC Camp Everywhere is nearly here! The team are working hard to get all the last minute things in place – it looks like we are going to have an awesome time online this year!

Please pray for the teams as they pull things together, the campers as they connect with the programme, and for the technology!

WEC Camp Everywhere – February 2021

Our next WEC Camp Everywhere event is coming very soon on the 21st February from 2-5pm! This will be an amazing afternoon and is the perfect opportunity to invite your mates who have never been to a WEC Camp before! There will be bible teaching, worship, mission updates, fun activities and plenty of discussion time! 

Be sure to keep an eye out on our social media platforms and your emails for the activity sign up links which will be sent out in the coming weeks. 

Closing date for bookings: Leaders, 6pm Monday 15th February. Young People, 6pm Wednesday 17th February

Roll on the 21st! 

For more details or to book your place, see the February event page.