For all the latest news, events, activities and exclusive content, follow WEC Camp on on social media! Search for ‘WEC Camp’ or click one of these handy links: FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
WEC Camp 2021
We are looking forward to WEC Camp 2021! Our team are monitoring the government advice closely and working hard to bring camp to a field next year. Safety is our number one concern – if we can’t make make it outdoors, we will be exploring virtual camp options!
Keep an eye on the website or follow us on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for all the latest news.
Reunion 2020 – All over for this year
A huge thank you to all who came along to the Reunion 2020 and to all those who put the event together! Keep an eye on the camp website and social media streams for more events, activities and fun.
Don’t forget to place your order in the Reunion 2020 shop – last orders by midnight Wednesday.
Reunion 2020 – Tech Support
Need help connecting to the WEC Camp Everywhere Reunion? Give our WEC-Tech support line a call on 01244 911205, open all day Sunday.
Reunion Shop & Activities Booking – Now Open!
The Reunion Activities and Reunion Shop are now up and running!
Head over to the shop for some top-class action and some must have reunion bargains and the activity page to pick your reunion activity.
Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion and at Camp 2021. Don’t forget to follow us on FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Back to School – Genesis 28:15
As schools starting up it’s understandable you may be nervous and anxious, but remember Jesus is bigger than everything that’s going on and trust His promise that He’ll be with you wherever you go
WEC Camp Everywhere – Shop & Feedback now closed
Both the feedback form and the online shop have now closed for this year. If you need to amend an order or would like to give some feedback, please contact the camp office via the contact page.
WEC Camp Everywhere – The Highlights
WEC Camp Everywhere – Shop & Feedback
There is still time to place an order in the shop and leave us some feedback – just don’t leave it too long, both will close at midnight on Monday 10th August.
You can visit the shop and the feedback page by using the links in the WEC Camp Everywhere menu above.
Hope you had a brilliant time – see you again soon!
WEC Camp Everywhere – Quiz Scores
During the WEC Camp Everywhere week the villages have been competing in our daily quiz – final scores below…
Teen Quiz Scores
- Acapulco 79
- Kinshasa 75
- Banjul 65
- Jakarta 61
- Dakar 54
- Phnom Penh 47
- N’Djamena 40
Warrior Quiz Scores
- Libya 55
- Indonesia 55
- Yemen 47
- Ecuador 47
- Zimbabwe 47
- Senegal 43
- Chad 36
- Gambia 32
- Honduras 24
- Tonga 23
- Mexico 11