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WEC Camp Everywhere – Day 2 Highlight so far

We are having an amazing time so far on WEC Camp Everywhere! The campers are getting stuck in with the Bible and mission sessions, the activities are proving very popular and the challenges are going town a treat!
Please pray for the tech teams, activity leaders and the various meeting speakers – We praise God for all that has happened so far.
Thought of the Day – Stop & Start: Promises
WEC Camp Everywhere off to a great start!

We have had a great day so far on WEC Camp Everywhere! We had a brilliant morning meeting with Bible teaching, activities, a book flash, worship and some spectacular challenges. The morning activities included crafts, cooking and bubble making – lots more to come too!
Tonight is the fist mission meeting of the week where we get to hear about what God is doing around the world.
Please join us in praying for all the campers, leaders, contributors, parents, and supporters for coming together to make this year something special.
Thought of the Day – Stop & Start: Thankfulness
WEC Camp Everywhere – First Meeting
Are you all ready for the first meeting of WEC Camp Everywhere? The welcome meeting starts at 7pm tonight on Zoom – access via the link sent to your registered email address. Lots of exiting things are going on this week, and it all starts here!
As part of the WEC Camp Everywhere programme, we have a page where you can send us your prayer requests. If you want prayer for something, our team will pray for you!
If you need help with connecting to a meeting or activity, or need help with the website, have a look at the Need Help? page.
Send us your Prayer Requests!
With the start of WEC Camp Everywhere just around the corner we are not only working on getting everything ready, we are praying too. If you want to send us a Camp 2020 prayer request, you can use our new online form – click here to get started.
We have a dedicated Leaders & Prayer supporters page where you can see some of the prayer requests as well as the latest news and updates. To access this page you will need to register with the office and they will provide you with a password.
WEC Camp Everywhere – Starts 3rd August!
Meet the Leader – Elizabeth