Meet the Warrior Leaders

Chris and Rachel Sale

Chris and Rachel have been running Warrior Camp since 1998, but have been part of camp for nearly their whole lives!

Chris currently works as a Youth and Community Regeneration Coordinator for a church in Birmingham. Chris was theologically trained at Northumbria Bible College.

Rachel is teacher working in a Pupil Referal Unit in Birmingham.

Chris and Rachel both have many years of experience working with young people.

They enjoy Chinese food, and looking after their family of rabbits.

Warrior Camp also requires a whole team of people to make it operate in an efficient and thoughtful way. The following people make up the leadership team that aids Chris & Rachel in planning for each camp and thinking strategically about ways to make camp even better.

The Warrior team

Sarah Hine
Libby Bull
Dan Fitch
Steph Wolfe
Dave Cawston
Jon Robinson
Andy & Erica Deakin
Alan Collins
Peter Wilson

And the whole team

Warriors is run by a completely voluntary staff – without them camp would not happen!